About the project

Monu(mo)ments is an artistic concept and project based in Oslo, Norway. Established by Eliot Moleba, it is dedicated to making commemorative ‘monumoments’ based on stories of ordinary Norwegians with ‘immigration or/and multicultural backgrounds’, focusing on an event that happened in a public space and experienced as a life changing moment. To commemorate the narrated event, each story is turned into a ‘monument’ that is installed at the site where it took place. By manifesting their stories, a part of their lived experiences is physically or emotionally inscribed on and through the landscape. 

The concept was developed as part of Moleba’s artistic PhD research project, Alternative Histori[es]: A Place Where Something Happened. Unlike a typical monument often seen as stable or static, a monu(mo)ment takes its celebrated event as a starting point to invite others to respond via a specified score, which, by design, provides a set of instructions or notations that guide our interactions with it. A monu(mo)ment, then, is not something static but an event or a moment that is continually growing and expanding with every visit and trace people leave behind. This layering of moments allows the monu(mo)ment not only to become a commemoration of a specific past, but something that is evolving into the present and future. It honours the original moment and how we choose to interface with it. We can speak to and into the moment.

Creative team:
Eliot Moleba, artistic and project leader
Brynjar Bjerkem, producer
Sakib Saboor, website development

Participating artists:
Jad Khoury, artist/designer
Sara Guldmyr, co-artist/designer
Sander van der Valk, designer, builder, and graffiti artist.

Working group:
The working group consists of Kiyoshi Yamamoto, Nicole Rafiki, and Mads Pålsrund.

Contact us: info@monumoments.no
