Are you ready to take an oath to change something in your life?
This monu(mo)ment is for you!
After being stuck in an abusive relationship, Kjersti describes the event that finally led her to see that she needed to get out. The camel’s back broke when her ex-partner did something that ‘crossed the line’. We became fascinated by this idea of the ‘line’ – that we have these (in)visible boundaries, those we know about and those we sometimes are not even aware of ourselves until people cross them. This monu(mo)ment honours the courage to stand up for oneself and say enough is enough: it is time to make a change!
This is a monu(mo)ment you should visit when you have reached a point in your life when you are ready to say enough is enough.
How to interact:
There is an (in)visible line on the pavement outside the salon where she stood. On the wall, there is a big aluminium sign with a QR code that you can scan which will take you to a digital interface (which will appear with the prompt “I promise myself to…”) where you can type an oath or promise you want to make to yourself. The responses will be compiled on an online, live document as a poem, titled “I promise myself to…”, which will list all the promises people are making as they cross the line.
To cross this line is considered the most binding oath anyone can take. It is the closest thing to a legal contract. It is the line between a legally binding contract and a pinkie swear. Anyone who crosses the line takes the highest oath possible with themselves to change. The change may not be immediate, but once you take oath and cross line, your journey toward change has officially begun, and now you cannot go back!
To make a promise to yourself, scan QR code or click here:

The submitted promises will appear as an ongoing poem, which you can read here:
I promise myself to…
Be kind to myself.
Eat food that is healthy, food that’s good for my body and my soul.
Let the love that guides the sun and the other stars guide me.
Ride more rollercoasters.
Stop holding stupid grudges.
Tenke på min egen helse.
Be honest with myself.
I promise myself to dance more in my life 🤸🏻♀️
Be a better listener and focus on what I want more of rather than what I perceive as lacking.
Form a tribe.
Take the risk to love and be loved even if I am afraid to.
Leave my watch behind sometimes!
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Visit the monu(mo)ment:
ADDRESS: Øvrefoss 9-5, Grünerløkka, Oslo
Curatorial concept by Mmantidi Eliot Moleba. Artistic design by Jad El Khoury and Sara Guldmyr. Produced by Transcultural Arts Production, 2024. Funded with support from KORO’s Art Programme For Local Communities (LOK)
Crossing the Line
This is the full story of Kjersti that we developed from the interview.